Cast and writer interviews
A darkly comedic contemporary drama set in a village in Northern Ireland, Thin Places explores complex themes of exile and the poignant, often difficult, return to our roots.
Thin Places synopsis:
Eugene Gillan comes back from the trading floors of the City of London with guilty secrets. In an attempt to recreate his nostalgic view of the Northern Irish village where he grew up and where his first love still lives, he unleashes cruel consequences for those around him. Eugene and his fellow villagers face harsh truths exposed by fault lines of memory, identity and time. Drawing inspiration from Irish folklore, Thin Places takes its title from the Celtic idea of mystical locales where borders between worlds are blurred.
Performances are at Little Angel Theatre on Thursday August 22 8.30pm, Friday August 23 8.30pm and Saturday 24th August 8:30pm.
Running time approx 110 minutes including a 20 minute interval.
Mial Pagan
Belfast born playwright and novelist Mial Pagan read Drama and English Literature at Manchester University. His stage plays include Dancehall Sweethearts and National Trust both produced by the Company of Ten for the Camden Fringe Festival. Radio Verulam broadcast his play for radio, The Old Fighting Cocks following the fortunes of four young soldiers from St Albans in the First World War. It is available as a podcast or for download at this link:
Stage plays
Other People's Lives (2015). Dancehall Sweethearts (2017). National Trust (longlisted for the 2022 Bruntwood Prize). Thin Places (2024).
Still Life (In development – 2024).
Radio plays
The Old Fighting Cocks (2018). Glass Cube (In development for 2025).
Paradise Place (2014). Contraversum (2017).
Thicker Than Water (2012). Banshee (2014). The Loneliest Man In The World (2018). The Agency (2019). House of Ruined Souls (2024)
Reviews and notices